

Asia Minor


  1. a peninsula in W Asia between the Black and Mediterranean seas, including most of Asiatic Turkey.

Asia Minor


  1. the historical name for Anatolia

Asia Minor

  1. Peninsula in western Asia consisting of the Asian part of Turkey .

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Example Sentences

He operated independently in Asia Minor and Greece, preaching his message to non-Jews.

Greek grill masters use ground lamb instead of beef, as do those in the Balkans, Asia Minor, the Middle East, and Central Asia.

The language of a people whose country is a region on the other side of Asia Minor.

I met them in the provinces of Asia Minor, and you all know the result.

In Asia Minor there is much reckoning with quite imaginary money of account.

Numbers of rosy starlings are returning from Asia Minor, where they have reared up their broods.

That Asia Minor had a share in this is probable, though the question is involved in obscurity.



